
Here’s what you need to know if you have a Same Day Surgery procedure scheduled with us:

  1. Surgery patients will be tested for Covid-19 four to five days prior to day of procedure.
  2. Self-isolation will be required for all surgery patients after Covid-19 testing.
  3. Surgery patients undergoing an elective procedure who test positive will be rescheduled and retested again prior to their procedure, if appropriate.
  4. Appointments will be staggered to limit the number of patients in a waiting room.
  5. Masks are mandatory for patients upon entry to hospital.
  6. Enter the facility through the Radiology entrance where you should be met by staff. If a Same Day or OB Nurse is not present, please ring the bell for entry.
  7. Staff will accompany you to either the Same Day Surgery Department or Kirbo Women’s Center for gynecological procedures.
  8. Thank you for complying  with our Healthy Visitor Policy and have only one healthy visitor for your surgical procedure.
  9. Preoperative assessments will be completed by phone when possible. If a facility visit is necessary for your pre-op, an appointment will be set up for you. Please enter through the Radiology entrance for your assessment and register at the front entrance of the hospital. A SDS nurse will meet you at the front lobby to complete the preoperative assessment.
  10. Thank you for choosing us for your care.