Respiratory Therapy
The Respiratory Therapy Department at Memorial Hospital and Manor assists patients with aerosol therapy, oxygen therapy, hyperexpansion therapy, chest physiotherapy, airway clearance, emergency intubation, mechanical ventilation, and newborn respiratory assistance. Diagnostic testing includes pulmonary function testing, arterial blood gas puncture and analysis, EKG, vectorcardiography and pulse oximetry.
Patients should bring their physician order to the Registration Department located near the hospital’s emergency department prior to testing. Appointments for pulmonary function testing may be scheduled through the hospital’s Scheduling Department by calling (229) 243-6299.
Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT) are performed for bronchospasm evaluations, diffusion study, Basic PFT, Complete PFT and Disability PFT. All PFT testing is by appointment only. Patients should bring a list of their medications for their appointment.