
Covid-19 Emotional Support

The Georgia COVID-19 Emotional Support Line, 1-866-399-8938, provides 24/7 free and confidential assistance to callers needing emotional support or resource information as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emotional Support Line is staffed by volunteers, including mental health professionals and others who have received training in crisis counseling.



National Guard Helping Battle Coronavirus

Governor Brian Kemp has deployed National Guard troops to help battle the Coronavirus Pandemic. Troops are being deployed to assisted living facilities and nursing homes throughout the state to thoroughly clean them and train staff on employing more aggressive infectious disease control measures.  They arrived at our facility Thursday, April 23rd and completed a thorough disinfecting of our nursing home, Memorial Manor. This helped the Manor maintain it’s zero positive record and provided additional consolation to family members and loved ones of residents that our facility is sanitized. We are proud of our troops and thank them for their service.


Outpatient Drive-thru Covid-19 Screening

Memorial Hospital and Manor offering drive thru outpatient COVID-19 collections.

  • Memorial Hospital & Manor will be closing the COVID-19 drive through.  The last day for drive through testing will be October 15, 2021.  The need for this transition was decided upon based on the collection volume declining.  We will continue to set up appointment times for symptomatic patients needing COVID-19 sample collections.  Symptomatic patients that are given a physician/provider order for COVID-19 testing can call the Laboratory at 229-243-6188 to set up an appointment for sample collection to be performed outside of Memorial Hospital and Manor Monday through Friday from 1pm to 3pm.
  • Preoperative and asymptomatic patients needing COVID-19 PCR testing will continue to be collected in the outpatient Laboratory inside the hospital along with any other lab work ordered.
  • Testing is also available through the local Health Department Region 8-2, 6 days a week.  No order is required and testing is free.  Appointments can be made by calling 229-352-6567.  The COVID collection schedule is also available online at,

Telehealth Services

Memorial Hospital and Manor is commited to adapting in the best possible way to continue quality care for our patients.

Amelia Medical Plaza and Memorial Pediatrics are offering home based telehealth visits as of today.

1. Patients can call office to set an appointment just like a regular appointment. Depending on the reason for your visit, we will determine whether a telehealth (virtual), phone call, or in-person visit is appropriate.
2. We remain open for in-person office visits.
3. If using telehealth, all you will need is a smart phone. The visit is similar to a “FaceTime” call.
4. These visits are covered by most insurances during COVID-19 pandemic.

Let us know how we can help you and your loved ones!

For more information call:

Memorial Pediatrics – (229) 246-1209

Amelia Medical Plaza – (229) 243-6900


COVID-19 Daily Status Report

Please follow the link below to review the Georgia Department of Public Health COVID-19 Daily Status Report.




Have a Same Day Procedure scheduled?

Here’s what you need to know if you have a Same Day Surgery procedure scheduled with us:

  1. Surgery patients will be tested for Covid-19 four to five days prior to day of procedure.
  2. Self-isolation will be required for all surgery patients after Covid-19 testing.
  3. Surgery patients undergoing an elective procedure who test positive will be rescheduled and retested again prior to their procedure, if appropriate.
  4. Appointments will be staggered to limit the number of patients in a waiting room.
  5. Masks are mandatory for patients upon entry to hospital.
  6. Enter the facility through the Radiology entrance where you should be met by staff. If a Same Day or OB Nurse is not present, please ring the bell for entry.
  7. Staff will accompany you to either the Same Day Surgery Department or Kirbo Women’s Center for gynecological procedures.
  8. Thank you for complying  with our Healthy Visitor Policy and have only one healthy visitor for your surgical procedure.
  9. Preoperative assessments will be completed by phone when possible. If a facility visit is necessary for your pre-op, an appointment will be set up for you. Please enter through the Radiology entrance for your assessment and register at the front entrance of the hospital. A SDS nurse will meet you at the front lobby to complete the preoperative assessment.
  10. Thank you for choosing us for your care.

Flu Season and COVID-19 Precautions

Memorial Hospital and Manor Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Community Information

Information and updates can be found at and

Covid-19 Testing 
  • Preoperative and asymptomatic patients needing COVID-19 PCR testing will continue to be collected in the outpatient Laboratory inside the hospital Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 4 PM along with any other lab work ordered.
  • Testing is also available through the local Health Department Region 8-2, 6 days a week.  No order is required and testing is free.  Appointments can be made by calling 229-352-6567.  The COVID collection schedule is also available online at,


Vaccination Information

  • We will be administering the Moderna vaccination every Wednesday from 2:00-4:00opm.
    • No appointment necessary.
    • Please enter through the main entrance of the hospital.
    • We will be providing a third dose of the Moderna vaccination for immunocompromised individuals.  Please provide documentation from your provider.  This includes people who:
      • Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
      • Received an organ transplant within the last two year or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
      • Received a stem cell transplant within the last two years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
      • Moderate or server primary immunodeficiency
      • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
      • Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune system

Monoclonal Antibodies or Convalescent Plasma

What if you received passive antibody therapy for Covid-19 treatment?

  • Defer vaccination for at least 90 days after receipt of passive antibody therapy (monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma).  This recommendation applies to people who receive passive antibody therapy before receiving any Covid-19 vaccine dose and to those who receive passive antibody therapy after the first dose of a mRNA Covid-19 vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) but before the second dose, in which case the second dose should be deferred for at least 90 days following receipt of the antibody therapy.

Service Changes

Memorial Hospital and Manor has developed a plan to begin ramping up services in a safe and thoughtful way.

As we ramp up services, we will be following steps to assure the care is safe for both our staff and our patients. These include:

  • Surgery patients will be tested for Covid-19 four to five days prior to day of procedure.
  • Self-isolation will be required for all surgery patients after Covid-19 testing.
  • Surgery patients undergoing an elective procedure who test positive will be rescheduled and retested again prior to their procedure, if appropriate.
  • Staggered appointment times to limit the number of patients in a waiting room.
  • Continued temperature screenings at all entrances of the hospital.
  • Masks will be mandatory for staff, visitors, and patients upon entry to hospital
  • Visitation policies will adjust according to Covid19 circumstances.

In addition to these measures, we have been implementing additional cleaning and infection practices. We will continue to clean/sanitize all areas daily.

For any patient concerned with making an in-person visit to their doctor’s office, we are able to provide Telehealth services for patients at AMP and Memorial Pediatrics.

COVID-19 testing will continue to be available at Memorial Hospital and Manor. Patients experiencing symptoms are encouraged to contact their physician or 229-416-8021 to speak to our infection prevention nurse.

  • Scheduled surgical procedures:
    • Same Day Surgery Patients should use the Radiology Entrance to be screened prior to registering and reporting to Same day Surgery
    • Please contact your physician or surgeon with questions regarding your case and possible exceptions.
    • These restrictions represent the decisions at this time, but additional restrictions may be deemed necessary as the situation evolves. We will also share additional information as decisions are made about other types of hospital services.
  • Scheduled OB/GYN patients
    • Scheduled OB/GYN patients should use the Entrance at the end of the labor and delivery unit.  You will be screened and given a mask before being registered and placed in a room.
  • Cafeteria services
    • Cafeteria services for the community will remain closed until we feel the risk has been reduced.


Patient Visitor Policy

Hospital Visitor guidelines as follows:

The visitation policies of Memorial Hospital and Manor have changed due to issues surrounding Covid-19.  Thank you for your understanding during this time.  We will resume normal visitation when it is safe for our community.

ICU and Med-Surg – All visits will be scheduled by the nurse for 1 person per day. The length, frequency, and time of the visit will be determined by the nurse and the visitor. Nurse (or designee) will communicate to the thermal screener date and time of visit. At time of scheduling the visit, the nurse will screen visitor for COVID. This process will be communicated at time of admission. All other patients can resume normal visitation, 2 visitors at a time, 7am – 400pm. No visitors less than 18 years of age.

Same Day Surgery – One visitor may accompany patient. The nurse will identify visitor and determine COVID status during assessment day before procedure.

Emergency Department – Visitation in the ED will be determined by the charge nurse.

OB/GYN (Kirbo Women’s Center)– Two visitors per patient per day.

Willow Ridge – Visitation can occur at any time in a designated visiting space.  If resident resides in a private room, visitation can occur in the room.  Please wear masks and social distance 6 feet. Visitors must be fully vaccinated. If visitation is needed during early or late hours, please call ahead for admission.

Memorial Manor  – Normal visitation.

All visitors will still need to be screened and given a mask by screeners at ER and front entrance. The screener will ask the visitor to apply visitor tag when entering the building and to check out with screener when exiting through the ER and front entrance. All Inpatient visitors will be logged in and out on visitor log. All visitors will be given a mask to wear while in the hospital.



What should you do at this time?

  • As the virus becomes more community-spread around the country and state, the community should be taking precautions to identify those who are at risk of infection or may already be infected (Click here, Other Frequently Asked Questions, to see information about symptoms and when to call your physician). We recommend if someone is experiencing these symptoms to call their physician before going to the hospital or urgent care center.
  • We should all take prudent steps to prevent the spread of this and many other viruses, like hand washing, use of hand sanitizer, coughing etiquette, staying home from work and public events when sick (Click here, Other Frequently Asked Questions).
  • We should all follow state and federal guidance as the situation evolves and as local circumstances change.
  • Vaccinate
    • Memorial Hospital and Manor is offering a free clinic on Wednesdays from 2:00-4:00 pm.  Please enter through the main entrance, stop at the screening station, and process to Patient Access.  Additional clinics will be added and the demand increases.  Please visit Memorial Hospital and Manor Facebook page for most current community information.
    • The Decatur County Health Department
    • Bainbridge Pharmacy, CVS, Main Street Family Care, Nomad Nurse, RxDrugs, and Walgreens are also vaccination locations.

What is Memorial Hospital and Manor doing in response to COVID-19?

  • Multidisciplinary teams are actively engaged and have implemented patient screening processes, plans for care of COVID-19 patients, training updates for staff, limiting visitors as appropriate, and communicating internally and externally.
  • We are following our existing policies and plans for infectious disease and emergency management. Our response to this virus is driven by the application of our existing infection control practices and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by staff, with modifications as needed to reflect the scope of the possible spread of the virus.
  • We are using, MHM’s Facebook page, MHM Instagram page, and the Post Searchlight to keep the community updated.

How to prepare households, business and schools

Please click the following links for Department of Public Health/CDC guidance on preparing households, businesses and schools for outbreaks of COVID-19.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are common viruses that usually cause upper respiratory infections such as the common cold. Covid-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that emerged in China that can cause severe symptoms including pneumonia.

Coronavirus prevention.

There are some everyday preventative steps you can take to help keep you and your family healthy. The Georgia Department of public health has recommended some prevention tips.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home when you are sick unless you are seeking medical care.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your arm or tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

How is Covid-19 spread?


  • The virus can be transmitted between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) or through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouth or nose of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.


  • It is possible that individuals may contract Covid-19 by touching a surface or objects that have the virus on it, and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes, but that is not thought to be the main way the virus is spread.
  • If you have symptoms and answer yes to these questions, call your doctor or the hospital at 229-246-3500 before showing up.
  • Do you have a fever greater than 100 degrees?
  • Do you have symptoms of a respiratory infection such as cough or sore throat?
  • Have you traveled within the last 14 days to an affected geographic area?
  • Have you been in contact with someone known or suspected to have Covid-19?
  • More information and updates can be found at and

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