Benefits for Employees
Memorial Hospital and Manor has made a commitment to its employees by providing competitive rates of compensations, a comprehensive employee benefits program, an attractive work place, and the chance to build and explore a career opportunity by offering professional development.
Our employee benefits program consists of medical and dental insurance; voluntary life, disability, and cancer insurance; a retirement plan; employer paid life and disability insurance; and other benefits.
Medical | Dental | Life, Cancer, Disability & Accident | Retirement | Employer Paid Benefits | Other
Medical Coverage
Carrier: HealthSmart
Type of Plan: MultiPlan
Deductible: $0 for Tier I(MHM) and Tier II(TMH), $1500
Pharmacy: $15, $30, or $60 copayment
Contact Number: (844) 566-8292
Pharmacy Site:
Pharmacy inquiries: 888-666-7271
$10 -PCP office visits
$25 – Specialist
$200 – ER
Deductible – $0
100% for outpatient lab, x-ray testing , surgery; inpatient services; and other hospital services
$35 – PCP office visits
$50 – Specialist
$400 – ER
Deductible – $0
90% for outpatient lab, x-ray testing , surgery; inpatient services; and other hospital services
Click here to access a list of covered Tier 2 Providers
Most covered services are paid at 70% after deductible
Detail coverage booklets are available in Human Resources.
Single coverage $34.93 and $23.35
2 person coverage $91.70 and $58.38
Family coverage $117.55 and $87.57
Dental Coverage
Carrier: HealthSmart
Type of Plan: Dental Plan
Deductible: $50 per year
Payout Maximum: $1000 per year
Benefits: 100% preventive no deductible
80% basic with $50 deductible
50% major with $50 deductible
$1500 lifetime orthodontic maximum for children under 19.
Payments are made using Usual and Customary Rates.
Payments can be made to the dentist or to the employee.
Detailed coverage booklets are available in Human Resources.
Contact Number: (229) 243-6161
Bi-weekly Premiums:
- Single coverage $ 6.00
- Family coverage $21.23
Life, Cancer, Disability & Accident Insurance
Carrier: Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, Mutual of Omaha, and Unum
Types of Plan:
- Accident Insurance
- Cancer Insurance
- Critical Illness Insurance
- Disability Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Hospitalization Insurance
- Term Life Insurance
- Universal Life Insurance
Covered persons: For some or all policies, you can purchase individual and/or family policies.
Premiums vary depending on coverage options selected.
403b and 457b Retirement Plans
Carrier: AIG VALIC
Type of Plan: 403b and 457b
Contact Number: (800) 448-2542
Representative: Matt Rawlins
Contribution varies depending on amount selected
Who is eligible: Full-time and part-time/PRN employees may contribute
Full-time employees contributing to the 403b plan, who have been employed for one year, receive employer contributions as follows:
- 1% of your contribution
- completion of one year of service 20%
- completion of two years of services 40%
- completion of three years of service 60%
- completion of four years of service 80%
- completion of five or more years of service 100%
Withdrawals are not allowed under this plan unless you have reached age 59 1/2.
Loans are allowed under this plan.
Employer Paid Benefits
Disability Insurance:
This facility provides a disability policy for all full-time staff employees that have been employed longer than 5 years. The premiums for this policy are completely employer paid. The benefit payment is expected to be around 60% of an employee’s pre-disability monthly earnings. Employees must be considered disabled, unable to work, provide physician statements, and complete a claim form. The carrier will determine eligibility of payment and will review the medical condition and medical statements. Benefit payments are made based on the carrier’s policies and are not determined by this facility. If approval is given by the carrier, the employee should receive the benefit amount beginning with the 91st day of disability and ending after 2 years of disability. Medical statements may be required verifying the employee’s continued state of disability. Department-head level employees have a separate policy and can contact Human Resources about their coverage.
Memorial Hospital and Manor also provides a life insurance policy for all full-time employees who have been employed longer than 90 days. The premiums are completely employer paid. Benefit amounts are paid to those designated as beneficiaries on the life insurance beneficiary forms. The death benefit amount is 1x the employee’s annual salary up to a maximum of $200,000 with a minimum of $50,000. Payment to the beneficiaries is made based on the carrier’s policies and are not determined by this facility. For inquiries about your coverage or to check on the status of your beneficiaries, please contact the Human Resources Department.
Other Benefits
Employees may purchase food and/or drinks from the cafeteria at a discount. Employees should present their ID badges when purchasing items from the cafeteria and request their discount. We also allow employees to purchase a “cafeteria booklet” as a payroll deduction. This cafeteria booklet contains $25.00 worth of coupons/tickets that can be used in the place of cash in the cafeteria. Employees can purchase a cafeteria booklet from the Cashier; the fee for this booklet is $26.60, and will be payroll deducted out of the next check.
Employees may be eligible for a discount for joining curves. Please contact the local Curves office for details on specific discounts that may apply.
Direct Deposit
This facility offers direct deposit for employee payroll checks as a benefit to our employees. We will deposit an employee’s check into accounts anywhere in the United States, and in any form. Employees may have multiple accounts with multiple dollar amounts or may have one single account. This benefit is customizable to the employee’s individual needs. Voided checks must be presented for checking account deposits, and deposit slips must be presented for savings account deposits. Anyone interested in participating in the Direct Deposit program should see the Human Resources Department.
Gift Shop
Employees may purchase items from the “Gift Shop” as a payroll deduction in the amounts of $10 – $200. The employee will be required to present his/her ID badge and sign a payroll deduction form. The gift shop will forward this form to the Human Resources Department for payroll deduction. Employees are not allowed to have a balance at any time that exceeds $200.00; if an employee’s balance exceeds this amount, the deduction on the next check will correct this oversight.
Holiday Savings
Interested employees may participate in a Holiday Savings Account program with Family Bank. Employees elect to make contributions of a specific dollar amount each payroll; this amount can be changed at any time during the “Holiday” year. We will deduct the specified amounts, and will directly deposit these funds into an account in the employee’s name at Family Bank. In October of every year, Family Bank will issue a check for all funds deposited during the “holiday year” plus interest. Employees interested in participating in the Holiday Savings account should contact the Human Resources Department.
Hospital Service Discount
Employees are eligible to receive a discount for any hospital services received. This discount applies to employee accounts after insurance payments have been received. To receive a discount, employees should contact the Patient Accounts Department. Accounts paid in full are eligible for a 30% discount.
Notary Public
Employees are eligible to receive free notary public services. Employees that need notary services should contact the Human Resources Department for Detailed information. Documents that need to be notarized should not be signed until in the Human Resources Department. There is no charge for this service.
Employees are eligible to purchase prescription or over-the-counter medications from our in-house pharmacy and deduct the fees as a payroll deduction. The pharmacy will require a physician’s order for prescription medicines. The pharmacy will charge cost plus a small percentage for any medicines purchased. The pharmacy will also submit pharmacy claims directly to the employer’s health insurance carrier. Any fees for medicines will be submitted to the Human Resources Department for payroll deduction.
Tuition Reimbursement
Memorial Hospital and Manor encourages employees to further their education by offering a tuition reimbursement program that pays for tuition fees and book expenses. To download an application, click here.
Employees may purchase uniforms from Griffin’s Uniforms as a payroll deduction. The employee should present themselves along with their badge to Griffin’s Uniforms and can purchase uniforms in the amount of $10.00-$200.00. The employee will be required to sign a payroll deduction form, and Griffin’s will forward this form to the Human Resources Department for payroll deduction. Employees receive a discount with Griffin’s. The employees are not allowed to have a balance at any time that exceeds $200.00; if an employee’s balance exceeds this amount, the deduction on the next check will correct this oversight.
Employees may be eligible for discounts on PDAs, multimedia phones, and certain calling plans. Please contact Verizon Wireless for any applicable discounts and details.
The YMCA gives a discount to any of our employees that would like to purchase a membership to the “Y”. They give a small discount on the normal monthly membership fees. To enroll for membership or ask questions, employees should contact the YMCA directly. Employees are required to present their ID badges when registering for a membership.